Jeannie the babysitter is supposed to be looking after an unnamed baby while Joan and George are out. However, she is more interested in talking on the telephone. At first Tom and Jerry take the opportunity to help themselves to some food, but they soon discover the baby crawling away while Jeannie continues to talk on the phone, unaware. Tom and Jerry rescue the baby from increasingly dangerous hazards, such as the cupboards, the sink, a curtain rod, the heating ducts, a flagpole, and a mailbox down the street (which leads to them being shot at by rogue police officers). Tom goes home with the baby, but suddenly the baby falls in the sky. Tom gets a stroller, but the baby uses a diaper as a parachute, and floats to safety. Jeannie is unaware through all of this (even when the baby crawls over her), and at one point even chases Tom away for "bothering the baby" when he returns the baby to the crib.