Windows 95 was 20 years old Aug 24, 2015, which to some may seem quite young, but with technology constantly evolving, 20 years is actually pretty darn ancient. Even so, Windows 95 was Microsoft’s first major successful version of Windows, and laid the foundation for what all future versions of Windows would be even to this day. Windows 95 was the first to include the Start Menu and taskbar, two very important and much loved features used today. Those who were upgrading from Windows 3.11 will know that Windows 95 was a drastic change, but Microsoft was nice enough to provide an awesome video guide which taught users the basics of the new operating system. The walkthrough is an hour long, and hosted by none other than Jennifer Aniston and Mathew Perry from the hit sitcom TV show Friends! An hour of cringe-worthy, hilarious moments showcasing what we thought was amazing back in 1995